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Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

You will surely be satisfied!

If not, within 24 hours after pickup, just tell us you do not like the car for any reason or no reason, we will refund all the fees you paid in connection with the rental.
If you want to take advantage of our satisfaction guarantee, which is unique in the car rental market, call our customer service and arrange a drop-off time with them and drop off the car during business hours.

The satisfaction guarantee does not apply to cases where:

the tenant did not show up at the time of collection (no show)
our employee refused to hand over the car to the lessee, because the lessee showed up unfit to drive the car due to his own fault (e.g. drunk)
our employee refused to hand over the car to the tenant because he did not have a valid driver’s license and identity card (passport for non-EU citizens)
our employee refused to hand over the car to the tenant because the tenant’s bank card does not have coverage for the deposit or he does not want to pay with his own bank card.

Calculate a good price and be safe to book now!